Required for a good foundation.
Install guide https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXklRYVN7mE
In the Textfiles tab, select the EngineFixes.toml config file.
Edit the following lines:
SleepWaitTime = true
SleepWaitTimeModifier = 0.4
Save your changes (CTRL + S) and close the editor.
This will speed up the time you wait when you click on "wait" in-game.
The crash log file will be in the overwrite folder in MO2 (bottom)
Double-click the mod in your mod order and switch to the INI Files tab.
Select the SSEDisplayTweaks.ini and edit the following:
BorderlessUpscale=true if you play at a lower resolution than your monitor’s default (Skyrim @1080p on a 1440p monitor).
EnableVSync=false if you want uncapped FPS. Will cause screentearing on monitors without G-Sync or FreeSync.
Hit CTRL+S to save and close the window
Delete the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.modgroups
Find the SPECIAL EDITION section in the forum post linked above and click the GOOGLE DRIVE link.
Go to the Downloads tab and double-click the mod to install it as usual. I recommend renaming it simply to "Skyrim Particle Patch" after the installation.
Delete the following file(s) and/or folder(s):
Particle Patch for ENB SSE.esp